2018年秋季开始本科学位课程的学生, or those students who have officially changed their 通识教育 curriculum plan with their advisor, 应该 参考更新的通识教育课程.
As a Catholic liberal arts institution founded by Father Edward Sorin of the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1885, St 365比分网电竞 has a long 历史 of commitment to diversity and social justice, in accord with Catholic social teachings emphasizing respect for human dignity, 社会平等, 保护弱势群体, 管理, 以及对真理的探索, 无论搜索结果如何. 这些承诺在圣. 爱德华的使命宣言, are most directly addressed in the Cultural Foundations sequence of classes, dedicated to helping students develop a balanced understanding of and appreciation for their own and other cultures.
The 18-hour requirement in Cultural Foundations includes classes drawing on multiple disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, 比如社会学和社会工作, 历史, 经济学, 政治科学, 以及文化研究. CULF 1320, 美国的经验, begins the sequence by introducing students to the experiences of marginalized groups in US 历史, and their struggles for full inclusion in US society from before the American Revolution to the present day. 此历史记录为序列中的下一个类提供上下文, CULF 2321, 美国的困境, in which students investigate social problems and inequalities involving these same groups in US society today. This class also prepares students for The 总结性课程 by having students perform independent research on a contemporary social problem, and consider controversial policy approaches to solving it from the standpoint of both arguments and values.
CULF 1318 -文学和人类经验
学生阅读, 讨论, and write about an ethnically and/or culturally diverse selection of fiction, 诗歌, 戏剧, 还有漂亮的字母. They learn the characteristics of these major literary genres and become familiar with some of the cultural conventions that both shape and are shaped by works of literature. Students are expected to participate in class 讨论ions, as well as write several short papers.
CULF 1319 -理解和欣赏艺术
本课程向学生介绍广泛的艺术表现形式, 包括视觉效果, 执行, 以及电影艺术. 通过体验各种阅读, 讲座, 和讨论, 通过观看戏剧, 展品, 和电影, 学生们接触到艺术的广度和深度, 从美学原则和艺术词汇到批评的作用. 本课程探讨各种艺术形式之间的关系, 将它们置于历史和文化背景中. 学生们还会深入学习一种艺术形式, 专注于即时的创造性体验, 同时制定观看和欣赏所有艺术的关键标准.
CULF 1320 -美国经验
美国的经验 has varied with the gender, race, ethnicity and social class of the person. The purpose of this course is to examine this diversity in experience throughout the country's 历史, 审视斗争, 成就, 以及美国历史上边缘化群体的观点. 个人和团体的经验将被置于社会, 经济, 以及不同时代的政治背景. The course will also examine the role in these histories of the ideals and values of traditional US civic culture, 比如自由, 平等, 还有人权. The overall goal of this course is to develop historical understanding of the problems and strengths inherent in our pluralistic society.
CULF 2321 -美国的困境
本课程介绍经济学的原理和方法, 社会学, 用政治学分析当前的社会问题. It is complementary to “美国的经验” in that it continues the theme of social pluralism and consideration of social and political ideals as it explores the problems and issues our society faces in the present. Class 讨论ions and assignments are structured to encourage students to address the meaning of individual and public responsibility as well as to define the common good. The importance of conflicting values in defining social problems and their solutions is included.
CULF 3330 -全球过程的历史和演变
这门课程的重点是全球经济史, global politics and cultural processes from the 16th to the 21st centuries. It explores the evolution of their interrelationships in an increasingly interdependent world. Students must demonstrate an understanding of these issues in order to successfully complete the course. Students will have on- and/or off-campus curricular and co-curricular experiences that contribute to global understanding. 先决条件:初级职称.
CULF 3331 -当代世界问题
本课程包括对重要全球问题的概述. Each section will focus on critical issues affecting at least one non-western region (the Near East, 远东, 非洲或拉丁美洲). Students analyze issues in cultural context and use the disciplines of 历史, 政治科学, 对社会学和经济学进行了深入的分析.
Capstone is an upper-division course in which students demonstrate and hone all the skills that they have learned throughout their St. 爱德华大学职业生涯, 包括图书馆和实地调查, 写作, 口头报告, 批判性思维, 道德推理. The 总结性课程 is grounded in the university's mission statement and seeks to prepare students to handle the challenges that they will face in the complex world of the 21st century. The Capstone project requires students to choose a current social controversy; thoroughly research all aspects of it; analyze their research and propose a solution; communicate that solution both orally and in 写作; and finally perform a civic engagement activity that supports their position. 教师 give students instruction in how to complete the semester-long Capstone project, as well as giving each student individual guidance throughout the semester.
先决条件: Completion of the ethics requirement; completion of WRIT 2302 or equivalent; and at least 75 hours. 秋季、春季及夏季(仅限12周).
St. 爱德华的 emphasizes nine general kinds of learning outcomes in our general education curriculum: Critical Thinking, 全球学习, 道德推理, 信息素养, 社会正义, 书面交流, 口头交流, 科学素养和定量素养. These learning outcomes are heavily influenced by the university’s mission statement, which stresses the analytical abilities and social responsibilities that will enable students to make long-lasting contributions to a rapidly changing world.