We invite you to join us in celebrating 两个 weeks of 地球周 celebrations with us. 4月15日至26日, we will have events on campus with the highlights including the Earth Day Fair on April 19, a muralling event with NIZ on Earth Day, and closing it all out with kite-flying in front of Main Building on the 26th! All events are free and open to the public. Please email- Nina Collard, Lead 可持续性 Intern & President, Students for 可持续性, with any questions (ccollard@waliy-sz.com)
Biking, walking, ridesharing, or carpooling are encouraged! If you plan on parking on campus, please register your vehicle at the link 在这里. At the link, you will find a map with parking lots. 很多女 & L are the closest available lots to the event. For the latest information about what's going on in the Earth Day Fair, follow us on Instagram.
Prior To 地球周(s) 事件:
Sacred Springs Kite Exhibit
World-Wide Climate Teach-In
- Wednesday, April 3, 6:30-8:30pm
- 琼斯礼堂
- Sunday, April 14, 10:30am-12:30pm
- Campus/Garden/Food Forest Area (behind 特蕾莎修女大厅)
- Sponsored by Office of 可持续性, Environmental Science & Policy Program (ENSP), & 安迪沼泽 来自Rhizos LLC
- 注册 在这里
地球周(s) 事件:
- 4月15日星期一
- Students for 可持续性 (SfS) Tabling - "Branching out for 可持续性" (Ragsdale Lawn, 11 am-2pm)
- SfS Field Day (Evening, Andre Lawn)
- 4月16日星期二
- SfS Tabling - Trash pickup, focus on single use plastics (Ragsdale Lawn, 11-2)
- Blunn Creek sunset hike (evening)
- Kozmetsky Center for Excellence forum, "Climate Resilient Communities in Austin," 由博士领导. 罗德里戈Nunes St. Andre Multipurpose Room, 6:00-8:00pm
- Wednesday, April 17
- SfS "Spring Cleaning" Clothing Swap (w/trans students org) (Ragsdale Lawn, 11-2)
- SfS 亲吻地面 screening at (7:30pm, Andre Lawn)
- Thursday, April 18
- SfS Tabling - Reuse/circular economy (11-2, Ragsdale Lawn)
- SfS Cooking demo at (evening, Saint Andre Apartments Multi-Purpose Room)
- 4月19日星期五
- Earth Day Fair (Andre Lawn, 11-2)
- Wild Basin Nature Walk
- Monday, April 22 - Earth Day
- NIZ muralling event on (12-3pm, Andre Lawn)
- NIZ muralling event on (12-3pm, Andre Lawn)
- Wednesday, April 24
- Environmental Well-being (w/ RecWell) - also Prescription Take-Back (11am-3pm, Ragsdale Lawn)
- 筛选 在内心深处 (7:30pm, Andre Lawn)