
We have curated this quick list (called 你的前5名) just for you. These are the key things you need to know (和 do) this month to make sure that your 2023–2024 academic year is a successful one.



夏季和/或秋季课程的注册 是开放的. If you haven’t registered, log in to myHilltop 和 register for your classes. 仍然需要得到建议? 见见你的成功教练 和/or faculty advisor right away to discuss your upcoming schedule for this summer 和/or fall. 遵循以下步骤 to get advised 和 receive your PIN, which you’ll need to register at myHilltop 类的.

You may have a hold on your account preventing you from registering for Fall 2024 courses. 和你的辅导员约个时间 解决任何未偿余额!

If you are graduating soon 和 considering pursuing an additional bachelor's degree, apply to the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in 护理 (ABSN) 2024年7月1日. Likewise, if you are a current 学生 interested in earning the 传统护理学学士(tBSN) 和 have met the program prerequisites by the end of the summer 2024 semester, 截止到7月1日, 2024年申请. 了解更多有关这些项目的信息,并立即申请!



享受便利. 与你的社区联系. 避免通勤. It’s not too late to apply for fall campus housing 和 it’s the perfect time to plan for summer housing. 阅读有关 你应该住在校园里的5个理由!

看一下 宿舍和公寓的选择 for Fall 2024, then complete the 2024–2025 application online before spaces fill!

You don’t have to take summer classes to enjoy campus-living!
夏季住房将提供在St. 为归国学生提供的公寓. 今天就通过myHilltop申请! 联系 reslife@waliy-sz.com 欲知详情.

总统富恩特斯 with a first-generation graduate at commencement


毕业典礼是星期六, 5月11日, 和 big plans are underway to celebrate our outst和ing Class of 2024. 查看事件 in store, including the Legacy Walk, Baccalaureate Mass 和 graduation reception. If you are a graduating senior, be sure to complete the required 毕业指导方针 确保你为毕业典礼做好准备.


期末考试就要到了! 充分利用你的 免费学术支持服务 在山顶上. 在有挑战性的课程中需要帮助? 报名参加 24小时在线辅导 or attend in-person or Zoom Supplemental Instruction sessions. Specialized assistance for math 和 writing is at your service through the 数学实验室 和 写作中心. And staff at the 芒迪库 can help you with research.

在5月3日的期末考试周, 与各种校园伙伴一起放松 和 departments offering a variety of stress relief activities on the Hilltop.


夏季和秋季财政援助: 夏季开始了新的财政援助奖励年度. Confirm that your financial aid is complete by checking the “Resolve Outst和ing 金融援助 Requirements” task on myHilltop

夏季付款截止日期: May 15 is the deadline to make payment arrangements for the Summer 2024 term. You can submit payment or sign up for a payment plan on the 帐单及付款网页

秋季付款截止日期: August 1 is the deadline for Fall 2024 payment arrangements. 秋季学期的账单将在7月发出.



Our 365比分网电竞 serves as a vibrant hub w在这里 the St. 爱德华的 community 和 beyond can stay updated on the latest happenings within the university. From spotlighting the accomplishments of alumni who are making strides in their respective fields to delving into the enriching experiences of 学生s on campus. 点击这里查看我们的最新文章!
