Below we share the wonderful resources available for your celebration, 由圣十字会提供, 包括中西部省, the Moreau Province, 美国牧师和兄弟会.
我代表圣十字学院. Edward’s University, we would like to offer you a warm welcome to the Holy Cross Charism Initiative. 圣十字神恩倡议 (HCCI) is a resource of the Holy Cross Institute that informs, forms, 并改变在圣十字学校工作的教育工作者, colleges, 以及全国各地的大学. 由十个教育模块组成, the Charism Initiative is designed to introduce the Holy Cross tradition, with each module covering some essential component of Holy Cross identity, such as history, charism, spirituality, or pedagogy.
The International Brothers of Holy Cross Leap of Faith Grant was established in 2021 by Dr. M. Christopher Williams to provide capital and/or operational funds for Holy Cross international schools. Dr. Williams retired from 麦克纳马拉主教高中 in Forestville, 在那里任教32年后,他将于2019年获得博士学位. Prior to coming to McNamara he was a volunteer teacher in Sudan for three years. From that location, he wrote a letter to then principal of Bishop McNamara, Brother Walter Kramer, C.S.C., who took a “leap of faith” hiring him without an in-person interview. As a tribute to Brother Walter and the Holy Cross Brothers who influenced his life, 职业与教学职业, Dr. Williams established this grant, which will be endowed through a bequest. Until that time Dr. Williams will financially support this grant program with an annual contribution.
在他的职业生涯中. 威廉姆斯继续四处旅行. By the time of his retirement he had traveled to 97 countries, including spending time at Holy Cross Secondary School in Lakeview, Uganda, 他对哪个有强烈的感情, 以及加纳的圣十字高中.
The goal in establishing this grant opportunity is to support the Holy Cross international secondary schools community by providing them with unique opportunities for professional development, program support, 推进学校的使命. Applications must include a 750-word narrative and supplementary project budget. 申请截止日期为2024年2月15日. The award winner will be announced on the Holy Cross Institute website.
Projects must be completed and funds expended within one year of receipt of the funds. A final narrative and financial report on the use of funds is due within 90 days of completed grant activities. The grant for 2024 will be awarded to one school in the amount of $3,000.
Complete this form, and send to 2024年2月15日.
集体祈祷及读经 莫罗日(1月20日):
Decade of Days (2020)
(Feast of Blessed Basile Moreau thru the Anniversary of Death of Mother Mary of Seven Dolors; from the 圣十字的马利亚人)
为高举圣十字架节祈祷 -由圣十字学会撰写及出版
为悲伤圣母节祈祷 -由圣十字学会撰写及出版
Prayer for the A圣方济各被册封为圣徒纪念日. Brother Andre -由圣十字学会撰写及出版
Prayer for Thanksgiving Day -由圣十字学会撰写及出版
守门人的挑战:对圣. Brother André Bessette by Whitney Daly
“我送你一个圣人.这些预言,写于1870年的Fr. André Provencal, 圣-卡萨伊-卡萨伊的教区牧师, to the Brothers of Holy Cross novitiate in Côte-des-Neiges, spoke of a young man with a gift of prayer who would later become known as the “Miracle Man of Montreal”--Holy Cross’ first saint, St. André Bessette, C.S.C. Experience Daly's Reflection on the life and spirituality of St. Andre. (PDF, 36页)(按上面的标题进入PDF)
The Brothers of Saint Joseph: A Resource Manual for Religious Teachers and Campus Ministers
(PDF, 221页)(按上面的标题进入PDF)
他四处行善 散文和照片的合集 celebrating the life and ministry of Father Jacques-Francois Dujarie. (圣十字学院出版,38页)
The Brothers of St. Joseph George Klawitter弟兄,CSC. (书,有三种格式,254页)
基督教教育,节选,插图 by Blessed Father Basile Moreau, CSC (A Holy Cross Institute publication, 52 pages; 2013 edition.)
Part One of the original text, “Teachers and Students,” is presented in its entirety.
Part Two, dealing with the establishment of a school in the France of Father Moreau’s day, provides practical guidelines for maintaining a school and directives regarding content and instruction. 这个版本不包括第二部分的文本.
Excerpts from Part Three deal with the teaching of religion and the Christian formation of students.
This edition includes a discussion guide by Brother Stephen Walsh, C.S.C.Joel Giallanza弟兄,C.S.C.
The Greatness of Your Mission: Living the Legacy of Holy Cross Education. A collection of 14 essays written by leaders in the 圣十字会, with reflections from modern day Holy Cross educators and leaders. (圣十字学院出版物,40页)
The 圣十字学院YouTube频道 has many other videos from past HCI Convocations and from other events. Please feel free to enjoy these videos at your convenience.
2021 - 2022网络研讨会系列点播视频
Focusing on the theme of "Forming Citizens for this World and for Heaven" you don't want to miss this 8 part series.
2020 - 2021网络研讨会系列点播视频
庆祝圣·路德·金兄弟会成立200周年. Joseph: 1820–2020. 你一定不想错过这个由10部分组成的系列.
The Foundation (English)
Brother Nich Perez, CSC, produced this brief film documentary to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the founding of the Brothers of Saint Joseph and their influence on the mission of Holy Cross today.
幼儿小组讨论 In this video, Br. Phil Smith, Fr. 吉姆·康纳利和Br. George Klawitter deliver three short historical papers on the Brothers' early years. Includes information on lesser-known schools the Brothers ran in France and elsewhere under often difficult situations and large numbers of students. Shows how, despite the Brothers' shortcomings, they were used by God to His glory.
圣十字会 (CSC Rome)
Vocation Office (CSC)
Moreau Province, Austin, TX
MidWest Province, Notre Dame, IN
美国神父与弟兄会(USPPB), Notre Dame, IN
Vocation Office (USPPB)
Holy Cross College印第安纳州圣母院
King's College威尔克斯-巴雷,宾夕法尼亚州
St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas
St. Mary's College印第安纳州圣母院
Stonehill College马萨诸塞州,北伊斯顿
波特兰大学, Portland, Oregon
Colegio Dom Amando, Santarem, Brazil
Colegio Notre Dame, Campinas, Brazil
Colegio Santa Maria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Colegio Santa Cruz Sao Paulo, Brazil
圣乔治学院, Santiago, Chile
Colegio Nuestra Señora de Andacollo, Santiago, Chile
阿尔及利亚大学25; Lima, Peru
For links to additional international schools, see the 圣十字会 Education Ministries list
查看国际学校和美国学校的照片, 查看每个学校的网站, 或者圣十字会 图片画廊:世界各地的教育
麦克纳马拉主教高中, 马里兰州Forestville
St. Edmond's Academy威尔明顿,特拉华州
霍班大主教高中, Akron, OH
大教堂高中, 印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州
Gilmour Academy, Gates Mills, Ohio
圣三一高中, Chicago, Illinois
圣母大学预科, Niles, Illinois
St. Edward High School, Lakewood, OH
圣玛丽教堂学校, Austin, Texas
St. 伊格内修,殉道者,天主教学校, Austin, Texas
圣胡安·迭戈天主教高中, Austin, Texas
Holy Cross School新奥尔良,路易斯安那州
Holy Cross School他来自德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市